World leaders in breast augmentation with anatomic implants
There are a very large number of breast implant manufacturers in the world. Breast implants differ in terms of content, surface, size, shape and quality. It is therefore important that the patient understands the different characteristics of breast implants and importance of the quality.
We only use implants from Mentor and Allergan, which is FDA-approved manufacturer. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is one of the world's toughest regulatory framework for regulation and supervision of recipes, vaccines, medical equipment and so on. They are one of the US federal executive departments and are responsible for protecting and promoting public health. The Aesthetic Institute have never used PIP implants.
There are two main types of breast implants; silicone and saline. Both types have a shell of silicone which can consist of either saline, cohesive (as solid) silicone gel (so called jelly raspberry), or viscous silicone gel.
Anatomical Breast Implants
In recent years, breast implants have been developed with a teardrop, anatomical shape which produce the most natural breast possible. Anatomical implants with firmer silicone gel are also manufactured in a matrix system with nine different shapes and sections of each implant size. This system allows us to personalize the implants according to your preferences and your body shape. Akademikliniken has the largest overall experience in the world of teardrop-shaped silicone implants. Read more about breast implants surgery here.
Matrix System
Each implant is denoted by its height and projection. The first letter describes its height:
F - Full height
M - Medium altitude
L - Low height
The second letter describes the projection, how much the implant protrudes:
F - Full projection
M - Medium projection
L - Low projection
X - Extra projection