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The appearance of the nipple is not only of aesthetic importance but can result in functional impairment. Women with inverted nipples may often find it difficult to breast-feed because the child is not able to maintain suction of the nipple. Special breast-feeding aids are available, but nonetheless successful breast-feeding is still not always possible. Other problems with inverted nipples include eczema and a difficulty in cleaning the nipple area. 

Reasons for Inverted Nipple Correction

Inverted nipples are caused by bands of connective tissue, and glandular ducts between the nipples which are excessively short and contracted. The aim of surgical correction of inverted nipples is to restore a normal appearance as well as to improve the function of the nipple during breast-feeding.

Reasons for Inverted Nipple Correction

Inverted nipples are caused by bands of connective tissue, and glandular ducts between the nipples which are excessively short and contracted. The aim of surgical correction of inverted nipples is to restore a normal appearance as well as to improve the function of the nipple during breast-feeding.



The Surgery

Most of the surgical techniques available to correct inverted nipples involve making an incision through the skin to release the tight connective tissue bands. The Consultant Plastic Surgeon will discuss the options open to you during your consultation.

On the day of your procedure, you will arrive at the hospital fasting as a precaution. Before the surgery you will meet with your surgeon again and he will mark the surgical site. It normally involves making a very small incision at the margin of the areola, and releasing the connective tissue between nipple and the breast. The operation is small and is usually done with local anesthesia.

After Surgery

Patients who undergo an inverted nipple correction will go home the same day. At the hospital patients are taken care of by professionals with extensive experience of this surgical procedure. On discharge you will have been given an appointment for your first post-operative visit to The Aesthetic Institute, but patients are welcome to contact us before that if they have any concerns.

Discomfort following an inverted nipple correction procedure is normally minimal. Typically patients can return to work after a day or two. Sensation in the nipple can be reduced after the procedure.



If you have any questions about surgical correction of inverted nipples which are not addressed here, or if you would like to book a consultation with the Consultant Plastic Surgeon to discuss the procedure, please call 01 491 5738, email or complete our Enquiry Form.

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